Sunday, June 17, 2007

Roses, Roses, & Sweet Peas 6-17-07

Jogging day 3, was o.k., not any easier yet, but not worse. When I’m finished I am not as pained which is nice and already I am seeing a difference in the hip that has been giving me grief for several months. Who would think that tougher exercise would actually make something that has been hurting feel better, that is what always puzzles me about the body…maybe I’m just weird that way…hmmmm.

After we got home and recovered we drove into Corvallis for breakfast with Darel, Michelle and Seth for Father’s Day at Elmer’s Restaurant. It was very busy, but the food was good and so was Seth. The goofy boy had split his lip open not 2 minutes after we walked into their apartment to pick them up. He was being silly because we were there and turned, stumbled and fell onto a toy. He let me put ice on it for about a minute, so it wasn’t too bad. Kids.

After we left there we drove past the Rose Garden in the park near Michelle’s and decided to walk through them. It was very big and wonderfully maintained. Oregon has parks and gardens everywhere which is part of what makes it such a beautiful state. After about an hour of snorting roses and taking well over 100 pictures we headed onto Safeway and then home.

Soooooo, if you hate flowers you are done with today’s blog, if not continue on. There are two pictures of Sweetpeas which I love but don’t run across too much, they were being grown behind Michelle’s. I whittled down the rose garden pictures to about 18, they were all gorgeous and some smelled better than others. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Valerie, Valerie, your flowers brightened our night! I'm sharing your pictures with friends from work and reviewing some of your other more "stunning photos"! Absolutely beautiful and uplifting!
Love the younger cuter one!

Unknown said...

I love all the rose pictures and the Rainbow Sheberts are my favorite! I have one in my rose garden that Andrew got me for Mother's day a few years back!! They also smell divine!!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...