Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sad News 6-3-07

I haven’t known where to begin with this entry. I’ll try to keep it simple. On Friday morning in Sutherlin our morning was moving along and we were getting ready to head on into Albany. As Larry went outside to start up the truck so we could pull in the slides and do our toast he turned on the cell phone. It started beeping that we had a message. Well, we had 5 and that is never good. I listened to the messages and it was bad news. Larry called his brother and we found out that their sister Kristi’s son Kristopher, our 21 year old nephew was killed the night before in a car accident. Only he was involved, but as always, the death of a young person is shocking especially as it is every parents nightmare; alcohol, excessive speed and a telephone pole. Needless to say we were discombobulated the rest of the day with phone calls and getting on down the road.

Our drive from Sutherlin to Albany was 100 miles and took us about 2 hours. We were given the choice of several sites at the Blue Ox RV park, it took us awhile to pick one, our satellite internet makes it a challenge sometimes. Then the one we picked we had to first see if we could get a satellite signal before we would commit to the site and set up. Michelle was on her lunch break from school so she stopped by. She was very upset about her cousins death, they have been in close contact by phone and he has been to her place lots. He lived just an hour from her, she lives in Corvallis and he lived in McMinnville. So we had the longest setup ever, it took us about two hours.

On a happier note after we got set up we headed over to Michelle and Darel’s and surprised Seth. The look on his face when he answered the door was so cute. He played shy for a bit and then was so excited he was bouncing off the walls. This little guy is a rocket and like his mother at that age he never quits talking. We watched him play in his pool and we had a lovely BBQ with Darel and Michelle.

Yesterday Michelle went with us to Larry’s sister Kristi and brother-in-law Ron’s place to pay our respects to them. Larry’s Mom, brother Brett and sister Kathy had all arrived and two of Kristi’s other boys were there, and the fourth flew in from Colorado today, various other family was there too.

Today Seth spent the afternoon here with us while his mother was busy. This kid just cracks us up. He talks in complete sentences and sounds like a miniature grown-up and nothing gets past him. Last month it was pictures of Ian and this month will be lots of pictures of Seth. Seth had fun riding his little tricycle all over the RV park and trying to find our “house” again.

It has been sunny and hot here in Oregon, but this evening it clouded up and now I here rain dripping on the roof…it’s western Oregon so rain is never too much of a surprise.

The first picture was along I-5 in Oregon. There are a couple of our home for the next month at the Blue Ox RV Park in Albany, Oregon and then the rest are of Seth.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...