Thursday, July 13, 2006

Into North Dakota 7-13

It was windy most all night and stayed warm. When we got up it was 72 with 77% humidity! Very damp.

They were predicting afternoon thunderstorms so we headed out so we could get where we were going and get set up. After dumping the tanks, filling with water and then fueling up the truck we hit the road. It was in the 80's by 9. We got rained on a few places and it was windy but wasn't pushing us around. There are lots of sloughs, ponds and lakes all through this area. Glacial lakes area is what it is called and we'll see this into Minnesota and Wisconsin. As green as it seems, North Dakota is in a drought too. Saw on the news this evening that Fargo, ND is going into stage 2 drought restrictions. Watering your lawns are dictated by the last number in you address. Brings back memories! We drove along county roads into ND. We are south east of Valley City, ND. South of Lisbon and 3 miles out into the farmlands at the Dead Colt Campground. $10 a day, we have water and found a site with 30 amp electric. There is a little lake here. We got a lot of funny looks from all the locals camped here, I don't think they get to many Californians out here. Lar found this place online. We will probably roost here through the weekend. Driving every day adds up to huge fuel expenses!

As we came to the first town in North Dakota I saw this big bull in someones backyard and at first thought it was a statue until I saw the rest of the herd. This was the biggest bull elk we've ever seen. Looks like we are getting closer to the North Pole!

Lar just got done washing the trailer and truck, and its 6:30 so gotta go do dinner. The sun doesn't set until 9:15 and it doesn't get dark until around 10.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...