Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Flowers 7-19

Today we took our walk in Bemidji. Its the best way to see a town, driving just doesn't really let you get the feel. We enjoy admiring the different architectural styles of the homes and the landscaping. The town is right on Lake Bemidji and as we headed down the street along the lake an eagle swooped up out of no where. He was being chased by a smaller bird.

We fueled up, had lunch and picked up some groceries and then headed home. Overcast today but no rain. More humid today too.

These flowers are planted here in the campground. The red one is a poppy and the others are daylillies.

Hi, Aunt Millie. Have a great re-union. Don't work too hard! Tell everyone hello for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers! Say hi to Larry. We where in Kneeland over the weekend at the ranch Tony is logging for the summer, it was so nice. An hour out a dirt road on an old homestead and it was only about 70degrees and foggy, perfect, I didnt want to come home to 110 degrees!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...