Saturday, July 29, 2006

Happytown, USA 7-29

Not much to tell today. Hot, humid, still, stuffy and overcast. We cruised around the very busy area of West Branch. Their downtown buildings are old and in great looking condition. There are outlet stores by the freeway and every kind of fast food imaginable. We did some shopping at Super Walmart. You can tell a lot about an area’s people by going into a Walmart, I call it my Walmart test.

All mid western towns have these water towers. Some are shorter than others and most just have the towns name painted on it, but this was the Happiest one we have seen so far!!!

Lar checked out two tire places here in town and the only tire they both have to offer for our trailer are Firestone Transforce HT 10 plys. We can’t seem to find anything bad about them on the internet. They seem to be a newer model, so unless one of you out there has heard something horrible and wants to warn us, on Monday morning I guess the trailer will get a new set of tires.

So that’s all for us today, could someone out there send some air our way! I’d give anything now for a bit of that New Mexico wind we were having a few months ago!

This is one of the pictures that didn't get uploaded on Tuesday from Lake Gogebic.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...