Thursday, July 20, 2006

Deep Cleaning Day 7-20

Today wasn’t getting as warm. Didn’t feel like it was going to get out of the low 70’s for awhile so it became: DEEP CLEANING DAY!

We started out with yoga, which for some reason was painful today. I was feeling about 10 years older, not what I want to be feeling as I get closer to the top of “the Hill”!!! We got through it though. Had breakfast and then got busy.

Had to boot Larry out of the house, but once I start cleaning he usually makes himself scarce anyways. We had been in such dusty places the last several months that it was time for every surface to get vacuumed, and wiped down; fabrics, walls, everything. I hate cleaning, but it is a necessary evil, I am always glad when I am done. I think all of you out there who clean because you like it or because it “relaxes” you, are NUTS! I can think of a lot more fun things to be doing with my time! Larry washed the truck and ran the generator and did some other stuff. I wasn’t paying attention. So now dinner is in the crockpot and we are spending the rest of the afternoon vegging.

Today’s pictures are of the white waterlilies that are in bloom on all the ponds around here right now and the cattails. The large lily picture is one of my photos that I altered in my software program to look very “arty”.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...