Friday, July 28, 2006

West Branch, MI 7-28

We pulled out of Germfast this morning at 9:45. This is the ultimate rock lovers house! I loved it. Such a lot of work, I wish someone had been there so we could ask how old it was. It had a lot of debris on the porch as if it was being redone inside.

We continued south until we hit highway 2 and headed east. We traveled along the shores of Lake Michigan. It looked so much like the ocean, beach grasses blowing on the sandy dunes, waves rolling into shore, and no sign of land on the horizon, and the horizon was to the south, not west like we are used to. There were people stopped all along swimming and playing in the water. It was very shallow for quite a ways out.

We missed the turn for the scenic lookout for the Mackinac Bridge, the longest suspension bridge in the country. It is five and a half miles long with two towers, it bridges the north and south peninsulas and straddles Lake Michigan to the west and Lake Huron to the east. The water was so many shades of blue and green with white caps! It only cost us $600 to get across the bridge. WHAT you say? Read on. The toll for us pulling the trailer was $5.00. They were doing work on the bridge and we all had to travel on the steel grate lane. Noticed a pickup truck several miles later changing his right rear tire. We continue on and hear a loud noise and the trailer shuddered a bit; we looked in the mirrors and the right front tire on the trailer is loosing rubber. We stopped and checked it out, sure enough lost some tread and the tire was hissing. We had just crossed a county line and knew where we were so with only 5 miles to the next Rest Area we crawled on down the road. Fortunately the tire hadn’t blown completely and it wasn’t most of the rubber peeling off, which can do considerable damage to a rig, we were lucky that only a wire tie had gotten busted. Not one potty word hit the air…shocking I know. Lar got the trailer blocked up and the tire changed in no time. We have our teeny compressor, which we can plug into our trailer because of the inverter Larry had put in. My Hero! So now, with one tire gone, we need to replace all the rest, don’t want to wonder when the next one is going to kick its tread off! BUT we have to wonder about that bridge because after we got going again we passed a tent trailer getting its right tire changed and then several miles more a boat trailer getting its right rear tire changed, all within 50 miles of the bridge. Makes you go hmmmmmm! But the rest area was o.k. and we had lunch while the tire was getting up to snuff so we didn’t loose too much time.

We were heading to a Passport America club campground, didn’t call first, wound around county roads with all the other people heading for the lake for the weekend, got all the way down the lane…closed for the season! That’ll teach us. I did see this cute fawn lying next to a tree and Lar saw its sibling a few feet away. So we poured over our books and I made some phone calls while Larry drove us in the direction we wanted to be heading in and I found a place that wasn’t ridiculously expensive. So until Monday we are here in West Branch, MI off of Interstate 75. Sixteen dollars a day for water/electric. It is a lovely wooded campground in the hub of everything. We saw Super Walmart, outlet stores, every fast food and who knows what else we’ll find AND a tire store. We’ll have to get that done first thing Monday morning when we leave here. Sadly our site is caddy-corner to the dump station, every once in awhile we get a whiff! We got in around 3:30 and had traveled 225 miles today.

So that was our day. It is still hot and humid. Neither one of us like this being sticky, damp all the time. The diesel we found today was $3.099, but then we found it eleven cents cheaper down here at the off ramp in West Branch, who knew?

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...