Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Well, half of 2006 is gone already. Amazing. Even when we feel like we are dragging time is still flying by!

We haven't been up to much the last week or so. Awesome thunderstorms about every 3 nights. Last night we were awakened around 1 a.m. by thunder that sounded like explosions! Sharp and loud. A few days ago, the thunder just rumbled consistently with no letup. At least we have had rain with them. Keeps it from getting too dry.

Last week we went to Ellsworth Airbase to check out the museum. This is a picture of a B52. It is the reason Larry was born in Rapid City, his Dad was stationed here to work on them. Very big airplane! That is about the only fieldtrip we have taken lately.

We have just been kickin back. Larry has had projects to keep him busy and I finally finished my first drawing using pastels. Not too bad if I do say so myself, looks like a daisy to me!

It has been in the 90's all week but with the storm last night it has cooled off. We won't get out of the 70's today. It was interesting watching the rigs and people pack in here over the holiday weekend. Several reunions and they just stuffed trailers in any space they could. Some were just a little too close to each other, if it was me. We have our place here on the hill and weren't bothered by any of it.

There was a fabulous fireworks display from the top of Mount Rushmore last night, but we watched it from the comfort of home on T.V. People were told to get there by noon if they were going to find a spot...too crazy for us! It was an amazing display and choreographed really well, no huge lulls.

Yesterday we took a drive on a dirt road back in the hills. So many wildflowers, now it is the monarda, daisies, asters and sunflowers that are popping out. Didn't take any pictures, so you have been saved...for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Val and Larry!
Thanks for the card! We are so happy to hear from you! We have been wondering about you and hoping you were both happy travelers. Looks like the roamin' mojo is treating you well!
Come on over our way for a visit!
Are you planted in SD for a while?
Looks real purdy there...

Cheers and love,
Don and Tracy


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...