Saturday, July 22, 2006

Lazy Day 7-22

The highway was quiet last night, so sleeping wasn’t a problem. We got up and did our yoga, had breakfast and then walked to the lake to see what was happening. The water lilies had opened up for the day and there were people already swimming and boating.

We needed to go for a long walk. There hasn’t really been a place good for that since we left South Dakota. We walked across the highway to check out the gravel road there and it wound all around through some beautiful countryside, so we got in a good walk today. You can just tell you aren’t in the west anymore out here, even with all the trees it is just so flat. There are never any mountains hazing away in the distance. No matter where you are in the west there is always a big hill or a mountain, somewhere!

There is nothing to really explore around here so it is just a lazy day of doing not much. Those of you who haven’t mastered the art of relaxation would find our day boring! It is in the low 80’s today and a little humid, but the breeze and clouds scudding by are keeping it pleasant.

These last pictures were taken last night. Beautiful clouds!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...