Thursday, July 27, 2006

Germfask, MI 7/27

We are having a harder time adjusting to this time zone; maybe because we are so far north and still on the most western edge of it. At ten last night we were out walking around, it wasn’t dark yet.

We had to force ourselves out of bed at 7:30 this morning. It was a little cooler and very humid. We were on the road by 9. There wasn’t a dump station so we didn’t have to take the time to do that before we left today.

We continued east on 28 and had planned to stay at the county park in Munising, but even though it was on the shores of Lake Superior we didn’t like it. It was crowded and right on the highway. So we kept on. I had to consult with our camping guides to give us a direction to head next. At Seney we headed south on highway 77 to Germfask and found a lovely campground right on a river. We got in around three and it is $19 for water/electric. At least they have a dump station which we will being using upon our departure in the morning. Larry wants to stay just one night, so we’ll head on tomorrow to try to find somewhere to hang thru the weekend. We traveled 211 miles today. We found diesel for $2.99. When we hit the road almost 2 ½ years ago diesel was $1.50. More than doubled in most places now. Puts a crimp in our plans.

The more east we have come here on the UP the more traffic and RV’s we have encountered. There are some scenic things up here to see; shipwrecks, sandstone rock formations along the lake, 200 waterfalls, but there are so many people that we have just kept on going. This is the first summer in a lot of years that we have been out with the vacationing masses. We always did our thing in May or September or camped in the middle of the forest during the summer when we lived in Chester.

The people here on the UP of Michigan have all been really nice. Just thought I would mention that. We did a load of laundry today. We had to get Larry medium shirts because all his larges were swimming on him. Wish I had the same problem! Looks like we will be at my sisters about a month earlier than we had planned. Oh well, we can swelter there the same as anywhere else. Its hot everywhere this time of year.

These pictures are of Lake Superior. It is a HUGE lake and can be very treacherous for boats and ships. Today though it looked very serene.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was looking at old blog entries to see what i had missed....I didn't realize how HUGE this lake was. It looks like a picture of the ocean. Pretty though....Love you guys!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...