Thursday, July 06, 2006

Not much still

I’m sorry there hasn’t been too much added lately. We hadn’t been doing too much. Here is a picture of Larry doing what he does a lot of, you can substitute a book and put him outside and that’s pretty much what we do on our relaxing days.

Here are a few pics of our home for those of you who have never been in it.

Yesterday we left early, 6:45 for our walk up the hill. It was cooler and the sun wasn’t as high. Made it easier for me. The hill almost beat me last week. We left after 8 and it was already hot and humid, I had tried to speed up for Larry, but I overdid it and nausea kicked in. Not a good thing. I don’t do well in heat anyway and then add hill climbing. Lar breaks a sweat but that is about it. He could get up the hill and be back down in the time it takes me to get halfway up. But hey, it has gotten easier and we are doing it every day that it hasn’t rained. I make it to the top every time. We make it back in an hour now and not an hour and a half. I don’t have to stop as much and I can tell my lungs and legs have strengthened. All those people are right about exercise and it pisses me off!!!!! I took flower pictures at my rest stops! As you can tell.

Our big purchase for the trailer this past week was a new toilet set/lid combo. The hinges are plastic and they cracked awhile back and finally broke completely (no wisecracks). The only reason I mention it is the thing cost $50 bucks! Amazing! I never paid over $10 for one for a house.

See, I warned you we haven’t been doing much.

Today for some reason, the text that I pasted from Word came in here underlined and blue. As the final looks different than the preview, who knows what this will look like!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...