Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ho Hum 5-31

This month started out so promising...temps getting into the high 70's-low 80's, but it was just a cruel cruel joke.  We have had so much rain, clouds, wind and cold that it is starting to wear on me.  My roses are wondering what the heck is going on...their little buds have been poised to burst and they are scared of the dark and cold.  We are 20 degrees below normal temps...global warming my butt and with more rain and cool days predicted...even snow for the mountains higher up...waaahhhhhh.  Okay, I'm done....for now, had to vent. 

Yesterday we were out in the garden talking about something and two hummingbirds zoomed between us, skimmed by our legs and dropped into the dirt about 10 feet from us and had a mating discussion.  The males head was so vibrantly red and they talked about things and then did their little mating dance....and I of course didn't have the camera....but it was cool to see.

Today's visitor was this very interesting looking rabbit.  He looked like he had been to Hollywood for his eyebrows and lovely black ear-tips.  It wasn't as skittish as the other rabbits we've seen bounce through here.  The pictures aren't great because it was getting to be dusk and they were also taken through the window, but at least I could see its interesting markings better.

I keep forgetting to get a picture of the biggest and for now, last planter box that Larry built.  Now we have to get the gopher wire to put in the bottom and then fill it up with dirt and get planting.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...