Friday, May 13, 2011

Reflections 5-13

Yesterday I spent a couple hours repotting my six orchid plants.  I bought orchid pots that have more holes and slits in the sides so they can breathe.  It is a bit of a different process from repotting a regular houseplant, but they are worth all the trouble...because they seem to take very little special care and are fun to grow.

This morning I opened the blinds on the bedroom window and there stood a coyote on the hill just gazing around looking for breakfast I guess.  Being that close there is no mistaking them for a dog...their legs always seem longer and skinnier than a similar sized dogs would be.

The other night the sun was slanting through my glass case and these reflections on the walls from a few pieces of my crackle glass intrigued me.  I thought they might look "arty"...they look like ancient art with the wall texture. 

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...