Monday, May 02, 2011

Warm Day 5-2

A gorgeous day!  We started off with a a short sleeved shirt no less...  We saw a dead baby rattlesnake along the road...about twelve inches long, I hope never to see one here at home...scary.  Maybe my guard turkey will keep them away.  It cracks me many people drive up to their house and have a turkey on their front walk scolding them, he took a nap out front under a tree and was hanging out most all day.

Larry worked on scrubbing down the house with a long handled brush and soapy water...he is getting ready to prime and paint...the last huge job planned for awhile.

Most of the roses are doing really well, we have a few lagging behind and some sending out the first flower buds....we can't wait.  We have been working on getting the drip system arranged just right so all the plants get watered without drowning or having dry spots.

And LOOK!  A clematis flower is opening already...they call it red but it looks more burgundy colored to me.  It is going to be stunning.  We have been enjoying the red clover flowers too...a truly beautiful clear red...Larry mowed around them so we could enjoy them.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...