I just couldn't get up the energy to blog yesterday. There wasn't too much exciting to write about anyway, it was cloudy and rained again, this last few days of rain added another 2.5 inches of rain to the seasonal total. It is very saturated around here, I dumped out a bucket of water and it just sat there, wouldn't soak into the ground. I cleaned the house and then I went for a massage in the afternoon. I am trading with a local massage therapist, I'll give her a massage next week in return for mine yesterday...win, win situation.
Today was a stunning cloudless day and we got up into the low 70's. Some friends stopped by for about a half hour on their way to Reno from the Bay Area...really glad to see them, just not enough time...the slots were calling their names!

After sitting out on the deck I noticed that this stunner of an iris had opened up...it was still closed earlier today. This is one that I planted last fall, I immediately grabbed the camera but noticed later that it hadn't opened up completely so of course I had to get more pictures of it.
The rose bushes are all doing great. I finally had to resort to the 3 in 1 systemic rose care stuff...kills bugs, fertilizes and staves off disease. They are all putting out strong canes with lots of flower buds...we are like little kids out there every day scoping out their progress.

Everyone around here that has lived here awhile is complaining about all the mowing because of all this rain...most only mow once, maybe twice before the weeds all go gold and dormant for the season. We didn't want a lawn yet we've gotten two acres of weeds that need mowing :)
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