Saturday, May 07, 2011

Paint Mostly Finished 5-7

Most of the trim has been painted, the back side fascia board around the top needs its paint.  Next the deck floor needs painting and then the back deck/porches are getting rebuilt and then stained.  It looks immensely better though.  It will still be a work in progress for awhile...I need to figure out what to plant around the bottom of the deck to hide all that ugliness and the "front" yard there needs something done to it before around the house is done.  It all looks better in don't do it justice.  The shed needs paint too somewhere in, work, work for my Energizer-Bunny-Man.  Larry did tell me he found the hardest substance ever is made by wasps...where those mud nests had been knocked down...he couldn't get the part that attached to the eaves off of there...he was even scraping but was gouging the wood and just painted over the little blob.

After months of work and just before paint earlier this week.

Cloudy today but it is now Spanish Sand colored!

Before back in Feb last year from the street
Here is the after from the street

Yesterday my sister Lori brought home her new housemate.  This is English Mastiff...being female she'll merely weigh 150 pounds when full grown.

It was windy and partly cloudy today and by dark was getting cold again and we have a chance of rain hoo.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...