Saturday, May 21, 2011

Yard Work 5-21

Happy day after the world didn't end day!  At least it will be when you are reading this most likely.

On our walk this morning we discovered another dead rattlesnake on the pavement in about the same place and it was about the same size as the last time...ew.

Larry mowed yet again...he's hoping for the last time of the season.  I pulled weeds around the iris and did some pruning of a few of the rose bushes...damaged/sick looking canes needed to go so the energy can go to all the healthy growth.  Then Larry got the six paving stones set in front of the arbor bench.  I walked around to the back of the house and there on the back deck laying on the mat like a big cat was the tom turkey...I froze and he waited to see what I was going to do.  This living in the country is full of surprises!  It just isn't something I'm used to seeing on a porch.  Later we were sitting on the front deck and heard a loud noise from the direction of the truck and we went to see what it was and it was that crazy turkey up on the tool box in the bed of the truck again. 

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...