Monday, May 09, 2011

More rain 5-9

It rained pretty good in the wee hours of the morning.  I had to trek out into it at 4:30 in the morning because a watering can was under the eaves and getting dripped on and was annoying the crap out of me and I knew if I didn't go out and move it I wouldn't get back to sleep.  I was afraid I would be awake for awhile after traipsing outside, but with that annoying noise gone, once I warmed back up I dropped right off again...woo hoo! 

Big thunder clouds rumbled around all day and poured more rain and hail down.  We were in Auburn most of the day which was kind of on the edge of the cloud bank in the beginning so we had good views of the clouds sparking and crashing.

This morning I was out with the know how I can't resist taking pictures of flowers and now that I have them again every day there are more subjects.  The rose bushes are growing like crazy...must be the fertilizer and many have teeny tiny little rose buds seems they put on an inch or more of growth every day or so.

We had a lovely dinner at Applebee's...they have a new Steak and Potatoes salad that is Weight Watchers, not that I ever diet, but it was healthy and light which is what I was looking for and it was really tasty...I was pleasantly surprised.  I could let you think I had been good, but I honestly must say that dessert was killer...haha!  Triple Chocolate Meltdown!  Larry and I of those little warm chocolate cakes with a scoop of ice cream and chocolate syrup all over it...YUM!

After we got home I planted the baby plants I picked up at Home Depot and sprayed the roses with the bug killer.

Get ready....set.......opening soon!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...