Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Rare Oregon Day 4-19

An almost perfect weather day here in Oregon today, there was no wind and it topped out at 75 degrees and the sun was out.

We were up around 8 with Seth and after pancakes we headed off to the park that is adjacent to the RV park and slogged across the wet cut field and through the muddy bog to get to the play ground equipment. Seth played there for quite awhile and then we walked over to the Linn County Veterans Memorial where we found this nest that some crazy mallard had laid right in the middle of a planter.

We just had a lovely day playing with the Boy…playing video games, watching him ride his scooter and various other boy activities. When he finally falls asleep our ears ring with the silence…he never quits talking…NEVER. We are going to need a vacation….laugh!

Tomorrow will be more of the same…Michelle will be picking Seth up after she gets off work to take him home so he’ll be with us all day.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...