Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Lazy, rainy day 4-7

I guess we weren’t going to be able to dodge rain storms forever. We woke up to clouds this morning and decided to get our walk in before it started raining, as had been predicted.

Urban hiking is far more treacherous than nature hiking, the changing sidewalk levels are hard on the muscles, and you have to watch that you don’t get mowed down by an inattentive motorist. At least most creatures in nature give you a warning before they attack! After we returned it started getting windy and an hour or so later the sky started dripping.

It turned out being a lazy day, we were going to go see Larry’s Mom and then go to the store, but she came by here and we had another visitor too so we never went to the store. Andrea and Will came by for the evening and Larry went to the bowling alley for an hour and a half or so to watch his brother and two nephews bowl and to visit with them a bit. The kids just left and now I am scrambling to get this posted before I hit the feathers. The high today was 56…boo hoo!

These are yesterday's pictures...Ian on his scooter and California scenery.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...