Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Planning our landscape 4-29

Brrrr, this morning when we left for our walk it was 33 degrees, but sunshiny with a slight breeze…I just needed to add a knit cap to my morning walk attire to keep my ears warm.

Yesterday we had bought a new toaster oven, fortunately I had a bright idea and we ran it several times at its hottest in the garage to burn off all that toxic stuff that burns off new electrical stuff. A large smelly cloud wafted out of the thing and it took quite a few runs to get it to quit being stinky and being out in the garage the house didn’t stink up.

Today was spent trying to come up with landscape plans for the front and back yards. We want minimal maintenance and xeric plantings…our water cost has tripled here in five years which makes lawn ridiculous on a lot of different levels. We were outside most of the day scraping lines in the earth’s crust figuring out a patio size and placement of boundaries. We had to rein ourselves in, because as always we got crazy with what we wanted to do and as we don’t plan on being here forever we don’t want to break the bank. We spent an hour talking to a very informative lady at the local nursery who educated us on plants for our area and why and how plants do or don’t survive here. We also looked at more rock.

Our plan is to remove the lawn in front and rock the whole thing, but have some greenery and boulders placed around so it is attractive and interesting looking. Same goes for the backyard and we need to put road base down both sides from front to back for the trailers, so we have to come up with a design, plan the execution so we don’t have to say oops, wish we hadn’t put that in the way there and then price it all out…which means finding the people to do what needs doing and the products we need.

I made a pot of killer chicken soup today too from what was left of our rotisserie Costco chicken…yummy!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...