Thursday, April 16, 2009

In Albany for a week 4-16

We awoke to a cold, but sunny morning. We hit the road at 9:40, we stopped at a rest area midway to Albany and had our toast and arrived at Blue Ox RV at 11:55 after traveling 101 miles.

We got all set up and settled in, we’ll be here for eight days, we leave on the 25th. Then we headed down to see Seth. He was very excited to see us, we got a couple of special hugs over the course of our afternoons visit…he told us he missed us lots.

It was a lovely sunny day and we played video game, took a walk while Seth rode his bike and played with him on his skateboard. I fixed dinner and we visited with Darel and Michelle after they got home from work.

On our way south on I-5 from here to Michelle’s we saw a Bald Eagle sitting in top of a tree surveying a grass field for lunch. The Bald Eagle must be making a pretty good come back because we see more of them every year in places we’ve never seen them before…or with traveling so much we are just in the right place at the right time.
The flowers were at Aunt Millie's.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...