Friday, April 10, 2009

Overnighter with Ian 4-10

Well shoot, this cloudy weather is messing us up. We laze around in bed until nine and we didn't leave for our walk until ten this morning. It was cold and cloudy, but didn't rain on us...I always warm up quick and get sweaty, but in this humidity and cold translates into clammy...ick. We stopped at the Safeway for a latte and donuts...hey we needed fuel to get back, especially after getting such a late start!
Andrea came by to have lunch with us, Larry left to go check something out at the hardware store and I cleaned the bathroom, it was also laundry day. I have found that baking soda is the best stuff for cleaning buildups out of our shower and toilet with a sponge and some elbow grease. Yuma water has a lot of salt and minerals in it and I have to do a scrubbing beyond the normal after we leave there. The baking soda always gets what the cleaners seem to leave behind or don't get to begin with.

Later the sun peeked through a bit and we were able to leave the door open to get some fresh air blowing through and then the wind kicked up pretty good for a few hours. Larry washed the trailer windows and then Will came by and they stood outside in the cold wind for an hour BSing.

After Andrea got off work, she picked up Ian, packed up his stuff and he is spending the night here with us in our "small" house. He thought they were going to our "big" house in Fallon and he was whining about how long it was going to take. How soon they forget!

The boys went off skate boarding before it got dark, then Ian decorated cookies and played balloon batting with and nothing gets broken. We've all had our showers, Ian is brushing his teeth and throwing a fit over the hot toothpaste and soon it will be bedtime.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...