Friday, April 17, 2009

Shopping and More Shopping 4-17

It rained over night and this morning. I did my Shred for the first time in a couple of weeks, it felt good but I was pooped afterwards. We had our toast and did some chores and then hit the stores.

We went to Costco and stocked up on stuff and we bought a Wii, we had so much fun with Andrea’s we decided we would enjoy playing too. Then we found the salon that carries the stuff I use on my face and I restocked on my moisturizer. We then went to Kohl’s and I found a few much needed item’s there…40% off…gotta love a sale. BUT, those up to 60% off, going out of business sales are bunk!!!!....beware. Gottschalks is going out of business after 105 years BUT their prices are higher than when they have a regular sale…very deceiving. We went to Radio Shack and a few other places…it was a very productive day and no sales tax. We had a lovely dinner at Appleby’s, fueled up the truck and went home to stow all the “stuff”.

Then Michelle picked me up and we were off to our 5 p.m. hair appointments; color, cut and style. We of course look gorgeous…no pictures though, I didn’t have the camera with me. After having chemicals on my head and all that shopping we did today my brain is tired so this blog entry is dull and boring....

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...