Monday, April 27, 2009

Back in Fallon/Catching up 4-27

So here is yesterday's post; Sunday the 26th:
In spite of not running the furnace all night and it getting down to 34 degrees outside we slept nice and toasty…love down comforters and flannel sheets. Keeping our bedroom door closed helps too. It was a beautiful sunny morning and the blackbirds were singing away. We bundled up to stay warm and dashed out into the sunshine; I wanted to get more pictures of our lovely, free campsite in the shadow of Mount Shasta. The snowy mountains were beautiful, the people who are lucky enough to live here have stunning views!

We hit the road just before 9, it was cold most places we stopped today and there were snow patches in the mountains still. Shasta is hard to get a good picture of with the sun rising practically behind it, but I had to try! We traveled south on I-5 then picked up 89 east towards Reno. They had done a lot of work on 89 clearing back the tree line and widening the lanes/shoulders so it is not as shady and it is easier to see so it was a more open, easier drive.

From 89 we picked up highway 44 and stopped at the Bogard rest area and it has been completely redone since the last time we were through there. It was a small rest area, but now it has a large building and good parking and then below the main area are 21 pull-throughs for longer parking, so truckers etc. can sleep and there are even 6 corrals for people to give their horses or other livestock a stretch…a real nice improvement for that strip of highway. With the rodeos in the area and in Reno and Las Vegas and all the ranches in Northern California and Nevada it is smart to add those features, I think. We may end up sleeping over there some time on our way through from Oregon, not in the winter though….to cold, icy and snowy.

From 89 we hit our old, very familiar highway 36 and headed east, Susanville doesn’t look a whole lot different, we stopped there and got fuel and it was cheaper than in Oregon. Then it was onto highway 395 south to Reno…Honey Lake was completely dry (check it out…it is pretty interesting: )…it is always a surprise to us…it either looks like a vast desert or is fuller than we ever remembered…it is a strange one.

From Reno it is onto 80 towards Ely then in Fernley we pick up 50 to Fallon. We traveled 296 miles and arrived at the house at 3:34. THEN the fun began…hauling everything inside, we are continuously amazed by what our trailer holds…it is scary when you wonder where to put things from a trailer into a house that is three times the trailers size!

We stay pared down this way though…I went through my clothes and another large bag is off to the thrift store. You realize how heavy stuff is when you have to carry it! It all adds up weight wise, even a blanket can be heavier than you think.

The house fared fine without us for five months…hardly even any dust on anything…there were some weeds but it has still been cold at night so they weren’t as bad as when we came back last summer! The lawns around are anywhere from brown like ours to green, it just depends on how soon people start watering them…but ours didn’t look bad because it matched our neighbors on either side and across the street.

After unloading the trailer of as much as we felt we wanted to do…which was most of it, Larry put it back in the side yard which is very tedious because of the slant of the ground and the narrowness of the gate…all of that is going to change if the house doesn’t sell soon. We were pooped.

Today, Monday, was busy too…it was sunny and not windy so we started the day with our three mile trek…a lot can change in five months, but most of the changes we saw were subtle…not too much new and nothing had burned down or anything.

Then we decided to move the furniture around in the living room, it had been bugging us and we knew we could come up with a cozier, better way…and we did…it just means Larry has to go under the house to run the cables over to the corner where we have moved the T.V., better him than me.

Then it was off to an appointment, then to the store for a few groceries and then back home to get more stuff put away and get the laundry done. I just have my art supplies and some books to bring in, but I am mostly done….I have to find some place to put all that yarn I bought while down in Yuma this winter…Larry was appalled by all the bags covering the guest bed….tee hee!

Larry pulled weeds and whacked down the one strip of grass growing right next to the front porch today, so we have been busy beavers…now we might have to take a day or two to rest…which we don’t do very well when stuff is waiting to get done! We are done outside for the rest of today and tomorrow, there is a wind advisory and I hate the wind and eating sand, glad we didn’t have to drive and unload in that!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...