Monday, August 18, 2008

Trinity Forest 8-18-08

Not much new here. The highway was closed last night again, but was open today. We took a ride up Highway 3 to scope out Trinitiy Lake. The forests are so pretty here. We've been over Highway 299 a lot but have nevered camped or explored the area much. I had been to Hayfork for summer vacations with my Grandmother when I was younger and the years we lived in Chester, for our visits to the coast we usually headed to Trinidad via 299 but other than stopping to eat in Weaverville it was just truck on through.

Trinity Lake looked much like Shasta Lake is looking...empty. We found a lovely swimming pond on one of the feeder creeks. Quite a few of the campgrounds were closed and a lot of boat ramps were a long ways from the water!

We had thundercloud buildups this afternoon and new fires are springing up all over the place again....Oregon and Montana are getting hit hard now too. I'm doing this past my bedtime and I can't think of anything else important for, nighty, night.

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