Friday, August 29, 2008

Arcata, Ca 8-29-08

Today Larry finished up at the helibase. The owner of the company was back, the com-trailer was released from the fire and we are done for now, until they need us again. While Larry was working I was cleaning, I wasn’t sure what we would be doing, if we were leaving or not, so I just kept busy cleaning until Larry got home.

We decided to hit the road, so we did our usual breakdown and got hooked up and hit the road at 11:15. Larry had called the RV Park in Arcata and they had a site available for one night, but we said we’d take it figuring if we had to move on the next day we would.

It was another sunny, warm day and the drive was really nice. Highway 299 doesn’t have much traffic on it because of the fires for the last two months. We stopped at the Strawhouse Coffee house and the lady in there told us how for it being Labor Day weekend it is very quiet. People were staying away and it takes them awhile to start coming back through. The fires are pretty much out, no smoke and there wasn’t the devastation that we had expected to see.

We arrived at Mad River Rapids RV Park just after 1:30 and we traveled all of 94 miles. It was sunny and cooler here than at Weaverville. It’s pricey here, $38 a night with our Good Sam discount, but at least we are not as close to our neighbors as we have been the last two weeks and we aren’t right on the highway. The people that were coming in behind us tomorrow, cancelled so we can stay another 3 nights if we want to. We committed to two nights and then we’ll see where we go from here.

We went to a local diner to grab (for us) dinner and then we headed out to the Mad River County beach. The road is narrow and winds back through dairy cow country and along the Mad River before it ends at the beach. The fog was rolling in, it looked like ocean mist at first, but by the time we got back to the trailer the sun was gone for the rest of the day.

The tide was going out and the fog, wind and ocean spray made it hard to see much of the ocean or even very far down the beach. We had a nice walk in spite of the wind and lack of visibility and we didn’t need our heavy coats.

After we got back in the truck I reached up to feel my hair and it was all stiff and damp with sea spray, but it looked like a style I’ve seen on other women and this style didn’t cost me anything! We went to the store and I felt very stylish, I would never manage to get that look on my own!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...