Thursday, August 14, 2008

Loading up 8-14-08

This past week has been quiet. Larry has been pulling weeds, our place looks very tidy again. I have been rounding up all my old journals from the past 20 years and am beginning the task of transcribing them onto the computer...I figure they are research for many future books or stories...if I can ever get started actually writing anything. I have writers block and I haven't even started writing anything yet...LOL! I figure once I get started it'll get easier. I'll just pretend I am writing my!

We are loading everything we took out of the trailer a week ago back into the trailer. We are heading over to Weaverville tomorrow for a couple of weeks. Larry is doing relief work for a friend who owns a Helibase communications company that is on the fire over there.

We have only been in Fallon for a little over a week and it feels like forever...we need to get rid of this pile of sticks. It is 102 degrees here right now, so we are waiting for the sun to set before we start putting all the perishables and meltable toiletries out there...not to mention I could melt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...