Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rude neighbors 8-23-08

Today was uneventful. We went to Junction City to drop off paperwork again...our big field trip for the day. Larry is out at the heli-base in the morning first thing for awhile, mid-day to check on things and then before dark to shut things down.

We'll be moving on from here on Friday but to where we don't know. We had neighbor's move in next to us a few days after we got here and I don't think they get that when you live this close to others a little consideration goes a loooonnnggg way. He leaves at 4:30 every morning, we know that because he SLAMS his trailer door and it sounds like a gunshot going off under our heads! Then he bangs and rattles stuff outside before he finally leaves. When he gets home in the afternoon the door slamming really starts...he and his wife argue a lot...they seem to be very angry people and just slam every thing. You just deal with it because you know you will be moving on soon, but it still is tedious. The sites are narrow and trailer walls are thin and we all have our windows open with the heat.

Tomorrow's plans are REALLY exciting...I'm cutting Larry's hair and we are going to the grocery store...woo hoo!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...