Monday, August 25, 2008

Cranky 8-25-08

Yesterday was just so busy that Larry didn’t get his hair cut. Not really, we just forgot, though we did remember to go to the store and get groceries. The Tops Market was the highlight of our day. Our neighbor didn’t go to work so we didn’t have our usual morning disturbance.

THAT was yesterday! THIS morning, SLAM, crunch, crunch, crunch through the gravel; rattling of stuff, crunch, crunch, crunch through the gravel….SLAM; crunch, crunch, crunch, truck door closing, truck starts up and then drives off. THEN, the wife and teenager are apparently leaving for home this morning (thank god they loaded the car up mostly yesterday) BUT, there was still multiple SLAMS and yammering of voices, slamming of car doors and after about a half hour….oh about 5:30 they finally drove off.

Now I get that people have to do what they need to do. I get that people like to travel before the sun rises, BUT have a little…. consideration…for....your….neighbors…people!!! That may not have been so bad if we haven’t had to deal with it every single morning. Some people you might mention the problem too and they are apologetic and work with you, some people get offended and or they are embarrassed maybe, but then they get attitude and you wish you had just kept your mouth shut. Especially people with animals….heaven forbid if you find Fi-Fi pooping in your space or barking at you every time you step out of your own rig and it isn’t really the animals fault….it is the owners!!!!

As you can tell, having my third REM disturbed has made me cranky! I am going for a walk now, maybe I’ll re-read this and not post it….

Okay, I’m back…had a lovely walk, looked in a few of the shops and the Café Mocha has helped immensely but I’ve decided that the foregoing “crankiness” still stands.

We found that by walking down a side street you come upon the front of the Joss House so here is a picture of the front. It was closed today so hopefully we’ll get back there when it is open so we can see the inside…I would be surprised if they allowed pictures though.

There is a lovely, girly shop that is attached to the Weaverville Hotel and these last pictures are of the lobby of the Hotel…very pretty. Weaverville has retained its historic flavor even inside its old buildings. Unlike Tombstone where all the shops interiors were sheet-rocked and full of modern shelving and imported….well I can’t spell that fancy new word everyone uses today, so I’ll just have to say imported knick-knacks or junk.

Breezy and cooler today and with it heating up again the end of this week we may be here awhile longer. These forest people do not let go of their resources once they have them especially if they THINK it is going to be very hot and dry; a lot of hoarding goes on and consequently a lot of sitting around and twiddling of thumbs AND at a huge cost to the taxpayers. You people would shudder if you only knew!

Too windy today to cut Larry’s hair, so he’ll have to be a shaggy dog for another day or two…I doubt if he really would have wanted a cranky, third-REMless, PMSing woman with clippers “attacking” his hair today anyhow.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...