Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Strawhouse, Trinity River, Bald Eagle 8-19-08

Today's field trip was west on Highway 299. Larry had to drop some paperwork off at the ICP (Incident Command Post) in Junction City. So being on the road we decided to keep on going to my favorite stopping place along Highway 299, the Strawhouse Coffee House at Big Flat. Since we were there last they have added lovely lawn areas and an enlarged patio. It is a great place to sit and watch the river. The fire came right down to the other side of the river in spots. This is a structure made of straw bales, the owners live in half and the other half is the business. It is a lovely establishment.

On the way I had spotted a Bald Eagle in a pine tree across the river, but Larry couldn't spot it....thought keeping his eyes on the twisting road was more important.... But coming back I saw it again in a different tree and there was a place for us to pull out, so we hoofed down the highway a little bit until we were across from it. It was quite a ways away, but the camera managed to pull it in for us. It was sitting there preening its feathers, something we had never actually seen them do before...mostly because we never get the opportunity to just watch one...we are usually flying down the highway.


Gwendolyne said...

So wonderful for you to be given the meeting of such a beautiful bird. Thanks for sharing it with us. G

Anonymous said...

Hey...those are some beautiful pictures!!! That is a cool place..and i really like the trinity river..very nice


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...