Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Back in Fallon 8-6-08

I took this picture of clouds after sunset last night at the Tulelake Fairgrounds RV Park. The sky was stunning with so many clouds. We had a nice thunderstorm wake us up in the wee hours of the morning, thunder, lightning, wind as the cells passed over and big rain. Now mind you for the past two months we have been in Oregon, known for its sogginess and had a few times of rain that wasn’t even recordable. The first night back in California and we had a gully washer…then I imagined us sinking into the mud and not being able to get out in the morning….nary a problem…except in my middle of the night vivid imagination.

We hit quite a few heavy rain showers as we came south. We got behind this little horseless carriage just north of Adin, it was going about 45 mph, which Larry says was moving along pretty good.

We left at 8:40 and got to the house in Fallon at 3:30. We took the little highway alongside of Eagle Lake and came into Susanville to get fuel. There is lots of countryside up there that is just gorgeous. Susanville hasn’t changed much…they have a Walgreens and Starbucks now…but then those have sprung up everywhere in the last several years. We had traveled 288 miles today. The road construction west of Fallon was finished too, it seemed like it was taking forever for them to finish that project…now it is lovely.

The house was in good shape, guarded by two black widow spiders…one by the front door and one inside the garage by the big roll up door….yuck. We got one and the other escaped…double yuck. We got the shovels out and started pulling up the weeds where the trailer goes. Took us a little over a half hour…of course we didn’t stop there, we had to continue on and get the ones by the back patio.

By then the clouds were rumbling and about the time Larry was backing the trailer in the backyard, the cell was blowing sand and dirt all over the place…nasty…after it quit blowing it started raining…so we waited between downpours for the mud to dry out to start getting the trailer unloaded.

Don’t know how long we’ll be here or what we are doing next….I’ll let you know!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...