Friday, September 07, 2012

Moving Along 9-7

I can't believe it's Friday already and it's been a week since I've seen Larry.  I have more pictures of helicopters and of the weekend with the kids but I had to start with these two.  My sister is not a fan of small dogs...hence the horse SHE has that she passes off as a dog.  She assumes they are rude and yappy and to keep with the theme of what I'm sure she thinks small dog owners do with their dogs I couldn't resist this when I was at ROSS yesterday ;-)

And here are pictures with the kids, Gracie did really well, this dog has had trial by fire but all is good because we know she fits in just fine.
Andrea was giving Connor what for because he kept trying
to blow out her candles before the singing was done.

Gracie chewing her bone while Ian held it for her.
I'm teaching Destiny to crochet, she caught on quickly.
Love that finger up in the air!  Whatever works!

Nevaeh and Connors castle.

Yeah Gracie was having a rough time adjusting...haha.

Gracie didn't let the weird audience curb her appetite.
Destiny's fine work!

Collecting turkey feathers
Connor showing off his haul.
The more the merrier!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...