Saturday, September 15, 2012

Here today, gone today 9-7

Larry got home before dark last Saturday.  We cut his shaggy mane Sunday morning and he spent a couple days getting his rigs back in service.  Then we ran into Auburn so he could get stuff for his workshop that he is trying to get finished and he worked on that a bit.  

We had a lovely dinner out Wednesday in Coloma at Sierra Nevada House for our anniversary.  We made the mistake of eating outside on the soon as our steaks were served the yellow jackets joined us, they didn't leave until the sun had set.  I told Larry we were burning calories while eating with the continuous swatting and waving of arms we were doing.  So we split a flourless chocolate cake for dessert, Larry said isn't that just fudge?  Funny man.

Yesterday we were in Roseville shopping when he got the call from the boss that he would be heading for Idaho today.  If the order goes through and there isn't a big change in the weather to facilitate the fire going out the estimated containment date is 10/31, but time will tell.  He left this morning after I had left for my pilates class, but when I returned home there was a lovely bouquet of roses and alstromeria on the counter...sweet man.

Larry and Gracie are getting along famously.  He is working on getting her to mind better, but boy does that dog have a stubborn streak.  She is a character...she does this "talking" to us and gets to racing all around the house or out in the flower garden and she whips around the bird bath and the trees like a barrel racer!  It has been in the 90's here still but I heard it is going to start changing this next week.

The only other things we did was take a hike with Gracie, I had my hair color restored and oh, we came home with a used 2012 Ford Fusion of course!  The caddie is still a beautiful car but just has some traits that we hadn't considered when we got it and we don't want any more.  It will probably be finding a new home one of these days.  We had a wonderful young man as our salesman but boy the car buying process is a royal pain in the butt and takes most of the day....ridiculous.  Even after we got the numbers all agreed upon it still took another couple hours before we were out of there.  Hate it.  

I may take a little road trip in my new wheels tomorrow, but Gracie is going to miss me as I will probably leave her here while visiting family.  I may get there eventually, where I go Gracie goes, but I'm not there yet...haha.  I even have a lovely doggie car seat for her travels with us.
I made a little-girl sized scarf in about an hour for
one of my new grand daughters, Nevaeh who turned 5 on Sunday.

This lantana has gone crazy.


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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...