Sunday, September 30, 2012

September is gone 9-30

Larry sent some pictures of the area in Idaho where fire camp is for the McGuire Fire.

Fire camp city there in the distance.

Bye bye to September, hello October...our month of fall colors here.  Autumn is my favorite season in spite of the flower garden slowing down, I love the cooler temps and watching the colorful transition into winter.  

Right now at 9:30 p.m. it is still 72 outside...  That was for Larry who is in central Idaho where the nights get down into the 20's and they are lucky to see anything out of the 60's during the day.

The sun is at a pretty angle in the morning this time of year.
I've been hanging with Gracie and working on my knitting/crocheting projects.  Also I have been spending time with Me, meditation, contemplation and energy work.

Our daughter Andrea and Scott changed their wedding venue to Tahoe and I will have a guest this coming weekend that I need to get charged up for...hahaha.  Connor our almost three year old grandson gets to hang with Grandma and Gracie.  I'll see Ian a little bit coming and going, but he will spend the weekend with his Dad whom he hasn't seen since July.

Nothing much else is new with us.

Incoming!  I didn't see him when I snapped the picture.

This bush has gotten enormous, it is over 3 foot wide in any direction,
and you can see the gorgeous blooms!  I wish you could smell them!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...