Thursday, September 27, 2012

Murphy visited 9-27

I had just told my sister that I hadn't noticed the bear through here lately and I was thinking of moving the trailcam from its place viewing the garbage can.  Gracie and I were heading for the mailbox via the garbage and we noticed that it was tipped over.  The bear was very carried the bag down to the meadow and ripped into it there, but didn't spread it all over the place.  The sprinklers came on in the morning and rinsed everything off so it was easy to pick up.  

Woo hoo, the camera was still pointed at the garbage can.  I was excited to see the bandit caught red pawed and see what happened and ran into the house with the camera card, plugged it into the computer...AND.......blank....nothing...not even the neighbors cat.  The batteries were dead....dang it all!!!!

The only other thing of note is that for the past week almost daily large flocks of pelicans are heading south.  I can't keep my eyes ta ta for now!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...