Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Garden 9-19

The crape myrtle keeps on
Made it to Costco yesterday.  Right at the front of the store were the pallets of all kinds of spring bulbs...appropriate for fall planting.  But then the next several rows...CHRISTMAS!  Crazy, it is still technically summer and they have the Christmas stuff and toys  It took a lot of trips getting everything in the house, the elves ditched me and didn't help put things away, but then I didn't have to share my roasted chicken with them.

Gracie soaking up the sun.
I'm amazed at how the garden just keeps on growing and blooming.  The roses had gone into a strong slump during the summer, but the blooms on the bushes right now are so big, lush and fragrant!  The climbers are finally throwing out this seasons new canes for more height.

Larry, I forgot to tell you that crazy gopher was above ground again yesterday morning.  He didn't even care that Gracie and I were near....he even flipped over and back-stroked his way back into his hole with a little tiny sign in his toes saying..."nah, nah, nah Larry".  Bad rodent!

I had to take a picture of this so I could see it big
on the computer and figure out what it was.  The vulture was slumped
on the branch, maybe trying to look like a pigeon.

My winnings arrived today.  Isn't it pretty?!
It is 60% Merino wool and 40% polyester and
a pattern book.  I can't wait to get started.

About eight of these lush, nearly perfect
roses are opening on the Merlot bush.  I just had to bring
some inside to enjoy or I was just going to stand
out there gazing at them for a few days.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...