Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Beautiful Day 9-20

I forgot to show you my Martha Stewart comforter set I replaced the too small set I first had.
Bad grammar, but you get the point.  I love this one and it is a much better quality.

I am managing to keep the "master suite" coordinated, new towels, sheets and flannels.
The bathroom has green tile back splashes and weird blue/green counter and these towels
work perfectly.  My past m o with sheets and blankets is to buy whatever color I like whether it
matches the comforter etc.  I've decided to be tame.  Now I still need to find new curtains and a
headboard and I am entertaining painting the wall behind the bed one of the colors from the comforter.

The chrysanthemums in these two beds are starting to pop. 

Larry emailed me a bunch of pictures of his current location in Idaho.  I'll post some tomorrow.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...