Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ho Hum 5-31

This month started out so promising...temps getting into the high 70's-low 80's, but it was just a cruel cruel joke.  We have had so much rain, clouds, wind and cold that it is starting to wear on me.  My roses are wondering what the heck is going on...their little buds have been poised to burst and they are scared of the dark and cold.  We are 20 degrees below normal temps...global warming my butt and with more rain and cool days predicted...even snow for the mountains higher up...waaahhhhhh.  Okay, I'm done....for now, had to vent. 

Yesterday we were out in the garden talking about something and two hummingbirds zoomed between us, skimmed by our legs and dropped into the dirt about 10 feet from us and had a mating discussion.  The males head was so vibrantly red and they talked about things and then did their little mating dance....and I of course didn't have the camera....but it was cool to see.

Today's visitor was this very interesting looking rabbit.  He looked like he had been to Hollywood for his eyebrows and lovely black ear-tips.  It wasn't as skittish as the other rabbits we've seen bounce through here.  The pictures aren't great because it was getting to be dusk and they were also taken through the window, but at least I could see its interesting markings better.

I keep forgetting to get a picture of the biggest and for now, last planter box that Larry built.  Now we have to get the gopher wire to put in the bottom and then fill it up with dirt and get planting.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Another gorgeous winter day 5-28

What a cold day for the end of May!  We had to run into town and needed jackets, cloudy, cold and then later it was windy.  Larry was able to finish up his outside work before it got to raining too bad, which it did for the rest of the afternoon...rained until just before the sun went down, when the sun made a short shine upon our world and then was gone again.

Friday, May 27, 2011

testing pics 5-27

I haven't had too much exciting to talk about the last few days.  I gave a massage to my massage therapist earlier this week which was fun and I was happy to learn that I am still "awesome"...it has been awhile since I last gave a pro massage.  The weather has been cool, rainy and unseasonably everything....great weather if it was December says Larry.  The roses are all waiting for sunny warmth to pop all those buds they have.  Today I was walking the garbage out to the can, forgetting that the woodpeckers are nesting in the oak I have to go by, so as it flew out of the hole it startled me and as I took another step I was startled again by a lovely snake.  Fortunately it was a gopher snake, not a rattle snake, though I studied it and took pictures of it so I could be sure before letting it wander along to wherever it was going. 

I am messing with picture sizing so these may be weird...or not if I get them edited back out after looking at them.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Iris & Hummer 5-23

A day in town...the library and Home Depot.  It didn't really get warm today, but it was mostly sunny.  Three flowers on one stem all popped open today...so I had to practice, practice, practice...such a pretty subject!  Then this evening during our evening perusal of the garden this hummer-girl was just hanging out in the garden with us.  Larry spotted her and she just lit on the fencing, the water tubing, the box edge or just the dirt in between flitting from flower to flower.

Look at those rose buds!

Even a hummer gets tired of flitting!  Just sitting on the ground drinking from the flower.

Not much 5-22

Not much going on.  I have a new book on how to get the most out of my camera and I haven't even gotten through the first chapter and I already know more than I did and what I learned has already improved my pictures!
Larry got the rest of the weeds mowed....again.  Everyone around here wants these late rains to quit so they can all quit mowing!  So.....I can not think of another thing to say...my brain is heading for bed already so after posting todays fab flower pics I am going to follow my brain. :)

This iris is called Mother Earth...I am going to have to find more!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Yard Work 5-21

Happy day after the world didn't end day!  At least it will be when you are reading this most likely.

On our walk this morning we discovered another dead rattlesnake on the pavement in about the same place and it was about the same size as the last time...ew.

Larry mowed yet again...he's hoping for the last time of the season.  I pulled weeds around the iris and did some pruning of a few of the rose bushes...damaged/sick looking canes needed to go so the energy can go to all the healthy growth.  Then Larry got the six paving stones set in front of the arbor bench.  I walked around to the back of the house and there on the back deck laying on the mat like a big cat was the tom turkey...I froze and he waited to see what I was going to do.  This living in the country is full of surprises!  It just isn't something I'm used to seeing on a porch.  Later we were sitting on the front deck and heard a loud noise from the direction of the truck and we went to see what it was and it was that crazy turkey up on the tool box in the bed of the truck again. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Lovely day and company 5-20

Today was a glorious symphony of sunbeams and birdsong! 

I was off to the store first thing and then back cooking and assembling my chicken enchiladas and spanish rice for dinner.  I wanted all the cooking part to be done before my cousins arrived...which I did with minutes to spare.  I just had to throw the precooked sauce over the assembled enchiladas and get them in the oven...easy peasy.

My Cousins Linda and Don came up from Pine Grove for the day to check out our new digs.  Linda drooled over my kitchen...I had to go behind her with a towel...haha.  Not really but she did like it a lot...it is wonderful, I have never enjoyed cooking so much as I have since being here.  They got the tour of the garden and the house and Larry and Don spent a lot of time outside talking man stuff about the place.  It was a very relaxing day and fun catching up!

Oh and if your reading this I'm guessing the world is still here...if I had 10 bucks for every time that the world was supposed to end just in my life time.............I could buy a tank of gas!  :) 

By the way, the sun shining through this bearded iris this morning prompted more pictures.  It is amazing how they get two such clear colors on the same plant...hybridizing is amazing.  This one is called Mother Earth.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Sunny Day 5-19

I just couldn't get up the energy to blog yesterday.  There wasn't too much exciting to write about anyway, it was cloudy and rained again, this last few days of rain added another 2.5 inches of rain to the seasonal total.  It is very saturated around here, I dumped out a bucket of water and it just sat there, wouldn't soak into the ground.  I cleaned the house and then I went for a massage in the afternoon.  I am trading with a local massage therapist, I'll give her a massage next week in return for mine yesterday...win, win situation.

Today was a stunning cloudless day and we got up into the low 70's.  Some friends stopped by for about a half hour on their way to Reno from the Bay Area...really glad to see them, just not enough time...the slots were calling their names!

After sitting out on the deck I noticed that this stunner of an iris had opened up...it was still closed earlier today.  This is one that I planted last fall, I immediately grabbed the camera but noticed later that it hadn't opened up completely so of course I had to get more pictures of it.

The rose bushes are all doing great.  I finally had to resort to the 3 in 1 systemic rose care stuff...kills bugs, fertilizes and staves off disease.  They are all putting out strong canes with lots of flower buds...we are like little kids out there every day scoping out their progress.

Everyone around here that has lived here awhile is complaining about all the mowing because of all this rain...most only mow once, maybe twice before the weeds all go gold and dormant for the season.  We didn't want a lawn yet we've gotten two acres of weeds that need mowing :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Catching up 5-17

Friday we headed over to Ukiah but we took a route we haven't been over in years and years...need I say decades?  We headed from Davis to Calistoga via Lake Berryessa.  Larry was on the hunt for ancestors at the Pioneer Cemetery in Calistoga and again at the cemetery in Healdsburg.  We eventually found them...they were Great-Greats and Great-Great-Greats on his Mom's side. 

Monticello Dam holding back Lake Berryessa
We had a good visit with the kids and Larry's Mom.  We went over to catch one of Ian's Little League games...it was really cold, but at least it wasn't raining. 

We headed back for home yesterday, Monday morning.  We went through Rumsey Canyon to Woodland, hit the Walmart there, then onto Roseville for our Costco shopping...and then home to unload everything and get it all put away. 

below the dam
It had rained quite a lot while we were gone judging by how wet and muddy it was and there was about an inch and a half of rain in our rain measuring bucket.

Today it was like winter...gusting blowing winds, heavy rain and cold.  It is still pouring as I write this at almost 2300 hours...another inch of rain...maybe more.  In the winter this is acceptable...when its more than half way through Spring it is annoying.

Pioneer Cemetery, Calistoga

Oak Mound Cemetery in Healdsburg

Larry conferring with the caretaker

Connor playing with Gramp's flashlight
(as all the boys have done)

Connor & Andrea

Ian playing catcher

sliding into home

Larry was really cold.

Cutie Connor

Ian playing internet Wii with his cousin in Oregon...amazing and Larry's Mom Carol

I ran out this morning a got this unusual beauties picture before the rains started today


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...