Thursday, April 28, 2011

Windy Day 4-28

My very least favorite weather condition today...wind.  The sun was mostly out, but the wind kept it cool and the pine and oak pollen would drift in greenish yellow clouds when the wind would gust through the trees just right...yuck.  The truck is coated with it.  I wish we had remembered to wash the windshield...just as you drop from civilization to head down the canyon from Auburn heading south there is an IMMENSE wisteria.  It is probably more than one vine but it looks about two stories tall all draped up in trees and over a wall...stunning, stunning, stunning, but I didn't get its picture...people frown upon stopping in the middle of the road to take pictures....they are in a crazy hurry here sometimes.

I did get pictures of the large old wisteria at the library though.  I forgot my camera last week when they were just getting ready to peak and today they were just going past but still pretty.  The light was awfully bright but it was still has the sturdiest structure to climb some planning went into this long ago and it has such a thick huge trunk.

We spent much of the afternoon figuring out sprinkler drip head placement and designing the next phase of the spite of the wind.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...