Saturday, April 02, 2011

Why.... 4-2

can't I think of a title?!  Sometimes it is the hardest thing to write!

It was overcast most of the day, but the sun did make a late afternoon appearance.  I worked on finishing a couple of crochet projects and watered my new plantings and took a couple of walks to look for new flowers and took a quick trip to the grocery store. 

I have to mention that today is my Uncle Dan and Aunt Gretchen's 50th anniversary of marriage.  Such a rare milestone, but the second I personally know of so far and another to come this year...they do exist!!!  Our love and congrats to them!

This girl is new to our neighborhood...she has much lighter colored feathers on her back then the pair of other ladies that have been hanging out around here...the patterns of her feathers are gorgeous!  These pictures were taken through the window so they aren't as sharp as they could be.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...