It was sunny today but cold...we waited for it to warm up before we took our walk.

This afternoon I was reading when I noticed the three girl turkeys show up to peck at the birdseed. I glanced up a little later and noticed that two males had shown up and one was in full fluff. They are such big birds with beautiful feathers and ugly heads. While the males are strutting their stuff their heads get a vibrant blue and red. I took over a hundred pictures...they were fascinating to watch....

I walked to the front and the girls were up on the hill dusting in the dirt again and so went the afternoon into evening. They were back and forth a few times. Then a third male showed up. I thought they were gone when I walked past the front room windows and saw one of the Tom's looking like he was going to come onto the deck ramp and sure enough there he came onto the deck. It didn't take them long to feel unthreatened by us.
I was trying to read again when I noticed the deer trooping by and then the turkeys was a wildlife freeway out here. I slipped out onto the back porch and the turkeys didn't even hardly ruffle a feather...two of the males actually headed towards me.

Just as the sun was setting the three males showed up under the window and it was as if they had choreographed their finale. They all faced me in a row with all their feathers fanned out and up in full show and then one at a time they turned around until their backsides were facing me and then they strutted off into the sunset. Another entertaining show by Mother Nature. The light was too dim for good pictures and I just decided to enjoy the spectacle.
Look how tall they are...3 feet tall |
He jumped up on the rail like the King of Everything |
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