Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Turkey Bath 4-6

Today was a burn day so we ended up with two piles.  Larry had started one and I went around with the wheelbarrow across the stream to pick up fallen branches and sticks.  Larry got a very old pile burning too, he manned that one and I manned the first one.  I cut off three pine branches with a hand saw to get them out of the driveway and ooh chee wah wah, now my neck and shoulders are sore and tight.  Back to rain and cold tomorrow...

Now you get to see a turkey taking a dirt bath.  I didn't think it had dried out enough around here to have dirt instead of mud but this turkey knew otherwise.  These birds look so cumbersome but they can run quickly and take to the air easily too.  I love their feathers, the patterns and the irridescence when the light hits them just right.  She took about a half hour dusting herself...scraping underneath herself with her feet and around herself with her beak and then she would roll half on her side, scrape some more and then she would start throwing the dirt up over her.  I wish I had gotten a picture of her after she finished. She got up, walked a few steps and then shook really hard and you could hardly see her for the dust cloud that came off of her.  Later I happened to glance up in time to see her fly up into a nearby ponderosa pine tree to roost for the night.  The sun was setting and it gave her a little glow....what an awesome view she had from up there!


She was two thirds up the tree and hard to see

The setting sun made her glow

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...