Monday, April 11, 2011

Town day 4-11

The wildlife had to do their thing without an audience was go to town day.  First stop was the library, then while Larry was at the bank I ran into the American Cancer Society's thrift shop...everything is always displayed so nicely in there and the ladies so pleasant...I came out with a pretty silver teapot.  On to Home D. for yard stuff and then we had some yummy barbeque for lunch and then on to grocery shopping.

When we got home the three tom turkey's were right in the middle of the driveway and didn't rush to get out of the way.  This morning I spotted some blue birds and with them were some warblers which I had never seen before...they had lots of yellow on them and pretty barred wings.

Tonight I tried to rip the three outside toes off of my foot on the closet doorway wall which caused me to lose my balance and I bounced around off of things in the closet like a pin ball.  Would have probably been funny to see...though I wasn't laughing at the time.  Oh darn, now I can't dance or run that marathon....

Hard to believe that to a lady turkey this is sexy:

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...