Friday, April 29, 2011

Windy still 4-29

Yucky wind still...from the north today so it was cold and it was blowing all the oak "flowers" out of the trees making a mess on the deck.  I hate the wind the most of all the weather conditions...just wasn't enjoyable being outside today.  I did some tidying up pruning on everything and got after the aphids on the rose bushes, then it was indoor projects.  Catching up on the gets away from me when the time for yard work rolls around...

More wild iris

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Windy Day 4-28

My very least favorite weather condition today...wind.  The sun was mostly out, but the wind kept it cool and the pine and oak pollen would drift in greenish yellow clouds when the wind would gust through the trees just right...yuck.  The truck is coated with it.  I wish we had remembered to wash the windshield...just as you drop from civilization to head down the canyon from Auburn heading south there is an IMMENSE wisteria.  It is probably more than one vine but it looks about two stories tall all draped up in trees and over a wall...stunning, stunning, stunning, but I didn't get its picture...people frown upon stopping in the middle of the road to take pictures....they are in a crazy hurry here sometimes.

I did get pictures of the large old wisteria at the library though.  I forgot my camera last week when they were just getting ready to peak and today they were just going past but still pretty.  The light was awfully bright but it was still has the sturdiest structure to climb some planning went into this long ago and it has such a thick huge trunk.

We spent much of the afternoon figuring out sprinkler drip head placement and designing the next phase of the spite of the wind.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Garden Update 4-27

So here are current photos of the garden...

three roses just leafing and the fruit trees looking better

Most of the garden in this shot

Three roses along the fence, dahlia tubers, daylilies in the boxes and 4 cucumber plants in the box closest (not that little box)

This one has 4 tomatoes, 3 cantaloupe, cosmos and a red verbena at the far end

The Fragrant Lavender Simplicity hedge roses are growing great, the single is a white rose and the climbers are orange & that one rose bush behind the arbor there is pink

The rest of the Fragrant rose hedge up the other side and the asian pear tree

This rose hedge is going to be so pretty! 

The pavers are going on both sides of the arbor bench, the square box has nasturtiums sprouting and eventually dahlias and daylilies coming up hopefully.

Clematis vines on both ends tallest is white and the far one is red, gladiolus and sweet peas coming up along the fence

The blue oak with shiny green new leaves and Larry just mowed the upper hill, it is drying out already.
I didn't want the boxes in rows and want the garden to be interesting and not look to planned far so good.  We have a dwarf meyer lemon to plant and Larry is still waiting for his Loquat tree to come into the nursery, hopefully they'll get one in soon.  We may add a couple of more boxes or planting areas, there are thirty rose bushes...three are climbers and Larry is getting it all hooked up to the drip automatic system.  We are trying to figure out what kind of shade tree we want to plant in the open area between the shed and the house...researching so we don't end up with the tree from hell.  I really love silk trees but they are like weeds so no go...maybe a maple, maybe a dogwood....we'll see.  The last picture...the tree would go in the lower right corner...we think.  :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More progress 4-26

The clouds were gone today...woo hoo.  My sister and I yammered awhile on the phone and then I was outside most the rest of the day.

I did more weed whacking and then I fertilized the three big fruit trees and the small citrus tree that were here when we got here.  The systemic insecticide we gave them a couple days ago seems to be making a difference already so these trees will soon be much healthier and happier.  I helped Larry with getting all the sprinkler heads for all the roses and the planter beds positioned and adjusted.  We have two more boxes to do and more adjusting but it is going to be real nice to have it all dripped and automatic.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rainy Egg Day 4-26

It was a rainy windy day for most of the day.  It quit late afternoon and we took a walk.

I did yoga this morning for the first time in probably over a year...I had been doing it for 7 years or so and just quit with being busy with other things and just not wanting to.  I sound about three years old don't I?  It was actually making me really sore and I needed to body is funky like that.  Back in my early 30's I was taking a form of karate classes three times a week...I got really strong and in shape but then my hips were getting sorer and sorer and when I could only take out someones ankle with a sidekick I figured it was time to quit....  So tendonitis haunts me...though how you are supposed to stay in shape when even walking irritates your tendons?! 
Anyway, we had a nice turkey's for the first time in weeks.  Some of the does are looking fat with baby and I have these pretty little wild iris blooming up on the hill...tough plants with such delicate looking flowers.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter 4-24

It has been cool and cloudy the last few days.  I did some weed eating this morning and Larry glued fittings on pipes for our watering system he is putting together for the garden.  The oaks are in varying degrees of leafing out depending on the is so brightly green here right now!

This isn't an easter egg that Larry found this morning...he thought it was an earthworm until it turned and got into defensive mode.  This was just a little guy...his tail was earthworm size and it was maybe the diameter of a slender pen, about ten inches long overall but still tried to look scary.  I got a stick and moved it out of Larry's work is amazing how it knotted itself to this stick...after I took its picture I just laid it under a tree so it could escape.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Living of the Edge 4-21

Larry looked out the window in time this morning to see Mr. Ugly jump up onto the rail of the truck bed.  That big bird sidled down to the toolbox and then sat there and cleaned his feathers.  You can see in the last picture that he saw Larry coming out to give him what for.  The turkey is not making points with Larry...  This evening the bird was back up there and we could see by his larger than a Chihuahua's pile of poop that was on the roof of the truck that he had been up there earlier too.  Um, um, um...he is asking for a plucking!  A sparrow you can overlook, a turkey, not so much.  I was in the garden and the turkey walked along the fence with me muttering in turkey-chatter things about Larry's mama, upside down eggs and other things I can't repeat. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cloudy Spring 4-19

The last couple of days these turkeys haven't been far from here.  I find them interesting to watch...Larry thinks they are ugly and need to find somewhere else to hang out.  Yesterday the boys saw me standing in the window and just walked right over and gave me the eye waiting for me to feed them...I even opened the window to see if they would move away...nope.  You can see how worried they were about us.

The deer showed up and the turkeys puffed up to threaten the deer...the deer looked  curiously at the turkeys but they weren't scared of them.  The turkeys just moved along with the deer like they were herding them along.  Today one of the boys stood out in front of the house next to the driveway and if the neighbors drove by he gobbled at them...crazy beasts.  Later I caught him having a nap.

The bucks are growing out their new antlers...some are already a few inches...seems weird to drop their antlers only to grow them right back.  Found these little wild iris in bloom, there is a large patch of them I have had my eye on but they aren't blooming yet.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Playing in the dirt 4-17

Today I played in the dirt with my plants, Larry mowed weeds, I made a wonderfully yummy big pot of beans and then it started raining.
The arbor/bench...we aren't going to paint it...the roses will make it pretty

I think this is number 5!  Some women buy shoes and purses...plants and flowers are my thing!
Only $8...I resisted as long as I could...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lovely Day 4-16

Not much to say for today.  It was the low 70's.  We did some yard work and then enjoyed the day on the deck.
The male...his neck and head flashes hot pink in the sun

My carnations that I photoshopped

Larry taking my picture at the river

Oh yeah...I DO exist!

Friday, April 15, 2011

A nice poem 4-15

I really liked this poem, it says much of what I have come to believe and I thought I would share.

I share my debt of gratitude with all my spiritual friends

Whether Christians, Muslims, Jews, and such or even Buddhist zens

Regardless of the place we live or where your faiths begun

My gratitude begins with this, "I've learned that we are One."

I'm grateful for the many days when clarity is strong

As well as those it "seems" that life has somehow led me wrong

For it's those times that awaken me and nudge me toward the light

Till once again my hopes and dreams are clearly held in sight.

I'm grateful for the love within the circles that I dwell

My family, friends and even those who've made life seem like hell

For each of those have taught me more regarding how to Love

Provide me feelings to express these things that I write of.

I am grateful for the right to dream, to hope, to wish, and know

That all my thoughts are merely seeds which based on Love must grow

That if I'll think them consciously and nurture them with care

These visions held, my hearts desires, will soon be waiting there.

I'm grateful for the fact I've learned that we consciously create

That to mold and shape a life desired I must keep my thinking straight

That when the fear that shows it's head which is based on false belief

I have free will to change the thoughts to those that bring relief.

I'm grateful too for false beliefs which led me on my quest

For mentors met along the way I truly do feel blessed

Who clearly showed me of the need to understand my worth

And deeper truth which promises a life divine on earth.

I'm grateful for the fear I feel at times because I know

That when it's felt it's purging power exists to help me grow

The awareness of it's presence shows there's something more to learn

That my focus must stay fixed on Love to attract these things I yearn.

I'm grateful for the joy I feel, I'm grateful for the fear

Understanding what it is and that it draws me near

To the life I know is waiting on the other side

And when it comes I must hold fast and use it as a guide.

My gratitude goes deeper still for breath, for sight, for life

For those teachers who have taught me that my "thoughts" create my strife

I'm grateful for the plan which says whatever you receive

Is only based on feelings felt, based on what you believe.

I'm grateful for all nature, the birds the grass, the trees

The lakes which hold abundant life, a summer evenings breeze

The clouds above the ground below, the moon, the stars, the sun

The days and nights which represent that another day is done.

I'm grateful for the time to spend to deeply go within

To tap into the Source of truth that's sure to help me win

For it is there that truth comes known regardless what is taught

In man made circles of the world that form restrictive thought.

I'm grateful for all wisdom learned as I go through life

Like words expressed in anger hurt, and only lead to strife

That truth will stand the test of time, that Love will show the way

That thoughts and feelings of the past are what create today.

I'm grateful too for all my friends who are reading this today

For the bond that we have formed since your paths have crossed my way

And for the future and all it brings for all we have to share

The giving of ourselves to show the world how much we care.

I've learned to stay in gratitude no matter how things seem

That perceptions held as negatives will only slow your dream

So even though my path will lead through troubled spots I know

I must keep on, keep focus fixed, on life's abundant flow.

There's so much that I'm grateful for though sometimes I'll forget

Beliefs rekindled from the past that I perceive as threats

It is these times I must remind myself of what I know

That when they show there presence that their here to help me grow.

One final thought I'll share today before I say I'm through

I'm so grateful for these words to give today to all of you

It is my wish that they will help you keep the attitude

Which leads to that which you desire and comes through gratitude.

~ Chuck Danes

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hmmmm 4-14

I don't have much for you today.  Still, contemplating life, nature, health, nutrition and the inevitability of death can keep a person occupied....just a regular day.  I didn't take a single photo and with my toes still sore not up to much walking.  We sat on the finished bench (just realized I haven't taken a picture of it finished) and watched the birdies, I pruned some dead wood out of the persimmon tree...another beautiful day in paradise...I just love it!
Oh, only saw one turkey  here close and two off in the distance....the boys not at all, they maybe got the hint.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

For the Birds 4-13

I finally understand what getting back to nature may really mean. I used to think it meant I had to live off the grid, grow my own food, let hair grow all over my body and not shower but once a week.

What I think it really means is everything we need to know we can learn just by observing nature and finding balance. I say this because of the things I have learned from my friends the birds.

I now understand why some people don’t want to ever help people who are struggling.

I started feeding the birds this winter…just to help them out and because I like seeing them. At first it was just the little ones…the Juncos and before long the Quail discovered the seed…I love them because they are cautious and shy and those little topknots on their heads are adorable. Soon along came the Mourning Doves who are so gentle looking and coo so softly and then the larger Band Tailed Pigeons made their appearance.

But I learned that by helping the little guy for too long attracts the larger more aggressive varieties. Maybe they are no less deserving, but they become assertive and expectant of the hand out. From watching this unfold I understand the mistakes that people make by going beyond a supplemental hand up to dependency and entitlement.

A few days ago when the male turkeys first made their appearance I was delighted by their strutting and show of feathered puffery. I was happy to have them here so I could get some good pictures of them.

Last night and today I learned the error of my ways. I noticed the males were outside but I went out with the seed anyway. I was curious if they would run off like the females do. WELL, they certainly did NOT. They actually came towards me. Forgetting everything I ever learned from having an aggressive-about-food horse I fed them anyway keeping one eye on them at all time.

So today they were back. Learning and agreeing with my husband that I will have to quit feeding them we decided to run them off.

Another thing about nature…where do you think cartoonists have gotten all that funny material over the years? I went out there with a broom in case one decided to charge me and the big bullies, making their funny clicks and chirps ran just out of reach of the broom into a bush and stopped there. Larry gave it a try and he just ended up running in bigger circles behind them…it was hysterical. Throwing rocks didn’t even really faze them much…we finally double teamed them until they ran up and over the hill.

So a bit later I am sitting in my chair by the window when I noticed movement and there are Ugly and Uglier looking up at me from below the window. The look in their eye was saying Hey Toots, get out here with the birdseed. Ha, I thought. So they strut on by…right onto the porch!!! Uglier jumps up onto the rail and reaches his big neck out towards the sliding glass door and waves his head around telling me something not so nice in Turkey language. I have no doubt that if the door had been opened the bold bird would have walked right into the house and helped himself to the sack of birdseed.

I went after the broom again and they kept out of reach again. Sadly I will have to quit feeding the birds for awhile until these big bullies move on. Lesson learned. As much as we want to help nature we don’t really help except in the moment and create unforeseen problems when we ignore the obvious for very long.

I could go on about survival of the strongest, fittest and the smartest, but I’ll leave that for another rant.

From this weeks lesson in nature’s school I have learned that we can help the smallest and the weakest of us for the short term, but if we go on too long we start attracting the bigger, stronger ones that will then try to take advantage. Now I am off to take a shower and shave….hahahaha!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bad Animal Day 4-12

Having the turkey's around for daytime entertainment has been fun....gobbling outside your bedroom window at 6 a.m. for 20 minutes not so much.  I kept waiting for him to move one, but it seemed he was serenading...I was thinking as Ian suggested that I should grab a knife and get out there after the noise maker. 

It was another sunny day, in the 60's kind of day.  I stuffed my lovely burgundy colored pudgy toes into my shoes and fertilized the rose bushes.  Yesterday we had noticed that some burrowing rodent had pushed up the dirt around several of the rose bushes.  Alarming because if it was a gopher we were worried that they were munching on our new rose roots.  Today there were more signs of pushed up dirt along the edges of a couple of the planter boxes but no holes. 

I was more than half way done fertilizing the 26 rosebushes when I saw an earthworm zoom out of the ground...which didn't really register in my brain until Larry, who was standing nearby exclaimed the dirt was moving.  Ah HA!  A mole!  They eat earthworms and those worms were trying to it was time to play Whack-A-Mole! 

We perfected the technique back in the late 80's when our new sod lawn at the time looked like a world war had been fought on it.  Larry tried every method of killing manufactured but smarts, patience and a quick shovel is what finally did the trick.  Once one of us saw the dirt moving we would keep our good eye on the movement, determine the direction of travel and Larry with his trusty shovel would drive in the blade deeply, flip and WHACK....dead mole.  They are quick and scramble for safety...but it was us or the lawn....Larry researched the heck out of moles and that summer we could have made a lovely hat or coat with moleskins if we had been so inclined.

So today we used the same technique...Larry kept his good eye on the movement...I fast-limped off to get the shovel, we watched and as we saw the nose, Larry got behind it and drove in the shovel and quickly and carefully lifted the dirt and flipped it and sure enough a huge mole, chubby and five inches long met it's demise.  I'm thinking that turkey had better watch out!

I planted a few six plants of pansies we got yesterday and Larry worked on his genealogy project.

This evening there were two tom turkey's out here and the deer came through.  As the deer move through birds or squirrels usally move out of their way...but not these male turkeys.  They stood their ground and hissed and gobbled at the deer, so the deer went around them grazing and the turkeys went back to pecking for seed...  What can I say...nature is my entertainment...I love it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Town day 4-11

The wildlife had to do their thing without an audience was go to town day.  First stop was the library, then while Larry was at the bank I ran into the American Cancer Society's thrift shop...everything is always displayed so nicely in there and the ladies so pleasant...I came out with a pretty silver teapot.  On to Home D. for yard stuff and then we had some yummy barbeque for lunch and then on to grocery shopping.

When we got home the three tom turkey's were right in the middle of the driveway and didn't rush to get out of the way.  This morning I spotted some blue birds and with them were some warblers which I had never seen before...they had lots of yellow on them and pretty barred wings.

Tonight I tried to rip the three outside toes off of my foot on the closet doorway wall which caused me to lose my balance and I bounced around off of things in the closet like a pin ball.  Would have probably been funny to see...though I wasn't laughing at the time.  Oh darn, now I can't dance or run that marathon....

Hard to believe that to a lady turkey this is sexy:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Fowl Afternoon 4-10

It was sunny today but cold...we waited for it to warm up before we took our walk.

This afternoon I was reading when I noticed the three girl turkeys show up to peck at the birdseed.  I glanced up a little later and noticed that two males had shown up and one was in full fluff.  They are such big birds with beautiful feathers and ugly heads.  While the males are strutting their stuff their heads get a vibrant blue and red.  I took over a hundred pictures...they were fascinating to watch....

I walked to the front and the girls were up on the hill dusting in the dirt again and so went the afternoon into evening.  They were back and forth a few times.  Then a third male showed up.  I thought they were gone when I walked past the front room windows and saw one of the Tom's looking like he was going to come onto the deck ramp and sure enough there he came onto the deck.  It didn't take them long to feel unthreatened by us.

I was trying to read again when I noticed the deer trooping by and then the turkeys was a wildlife freeway out here.  I slipped out onto the back porch and the turkeys didn't even hardly ruffle a feather...two of the males actually headed towards me.

Just as the sun was setting the three males showed up under the window and it was as if they had choreographed their finale.  They all faced me in a row with all their feathers fanned out and up in full show and then one at a time they turned around until their backsides were facing me and then they strutted off into the sunset.  Another entertaining show by Mother Nature.  The light was too dim for good pictures and I just decided to enjoy the spectacle.

Look how tall they are...3 feet tall

He jumped up on the rail like the King of Everything



Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...