Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Visiting Friends & Family 9-10-08

How nice, it has only been a week and we are with the Circus…the same circus, again! Fortunately they are way on the other side of the fairgrounds and other than the thunking of the music and the announcer’s loud voice we aren’t really affected by them this time. We would have had to laugh though if they had set up on this side!

Yesterday we were in our hometown visiting long time friends the Colemans. I have so much to write, pictures to edit and post that I’ll have to walk you through our hometown of Rodeo another day.

Then it was off to Martinez to surprise our brother-in-law Hank and nephews Brandon and Michael. Brandon and Hank were home and then we went to where Michael works to visit with him for a bit and darn it all he works at Starbucks…double darn, had to have a lattĂ©! We were very metropolitan and went for dinner at eight p.m. at the best Chinese food restaurant I have ever been to. We had five platters of food and I have never left a Chinese restaurant without take home boxes of leftovers, but with the nephews…Hoover and Eureka, there wasn’t any left! Those boys are twenty one, tall and slender…where do they put all that food?! Then it was back to their home and we visited until twelve thirty…in the morning….yikes! By the time we got home and showered, when we got to bed it was an hour later! Darn, I totally forgot to get pictures of anyone.

We were off this morning to spend the day with my Aunt Gretchen, Uncle Dan and Cousin Darcy in Concord! These pictures of Aunt Gretchen’s little Morning Glory vine that she planted ten years ago shows how invasive it can become in the right environment. Uncle Dan is worried that some night he is going to awake to its tendrils around his neck…..hmm, maybe that will be Aunt Gretchen’s hands…Smile! We had a great visit and great food. Uncle Dan loves to cook and we had pot stickers for lunch and a heavenly garlicky beef dip for dinner with crispy French fries.

If you remember, Darcy is my cousin who was as near death as you can be last year in Texas and darn it, the only picture I got of her today she had blinked and her eyes are closed, but I want to put it in here so you can see how great she looks now all tanned and her hair all long again! She is as back to normal as the rest of us! A very happy ending!

I’m rushing to get this posted so I hope it makes sense and there aren’t a bunch of typos! Tomorrow’s plan is a day on the bay! Looking forward to that!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...