Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Anniversary #31!!! 9-3-08

Thirty-one years!!! Wow! I can remember when five and ten years were my goals and in a blink thirty-one years have passed already! My life feels like that scene they do in movies, the pages of calendars riffling faster and faster and now we have been married for thirty-one years today. Surprisingly enough we actually know quite a few people who have been married even longer!

I’ve been contemplating if there really is a secret to making a relationship last so long and what I have decided is there is no secret. I think what makes a relationship last and I am talking about a happy relationship here, not one enduring because of “duty” or appearances; I think what makes them last is a strong foundation of friendship, love, lust, caring and a commitment to forever.

Larry and I just always planned on growing old together and our love has carried each other through. That statement is literal too, because there were times when my love carried him through bad spots and his love for me carried me through my crappy spots. Lots of adjustments are made over the course of a relationship, but that is true of anything that lasts long term, even corporations or governments.

It seems that many who marry today are so in “lust” with each other and love the “idea” of marriage that they haven’t really looked at the person they have made a commitment to and if you don’t go into a relationship with way more likes than dislikes of the person it gets ugly really fast. Another HUGE mistake is people don’t know how to be honest with each other. Your partner should be the one person in the world you can show all your flaws too and they still love you. They may not like you for short periods and that goes visa-versa, but love should always be there.

We didn’t do much today, took care of some business and we are going out for a lovely dinner. Larry came home with these twelve lovely red beauties and they actually smell like roses!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...