Thursday, September 04, 2008

Slow day 9-4-08

Today was a slow day in our world! About all I can think to tell you about today are my four trips back and forth to the laundry room waiting for the dryers to be free so I could get our clothes from the washer into the dryer or Larry's walk to the dumpster to dump our garbage.

About six o'clock we walked to Andrea and Will's and hung out there for an hour and a half...nibbled on some pizza and left-over birthday cake. We were entertained and punctured by their two kittens while we were there. AND Will never showed up....he is apparently afraid of us....he knew we were coming....either that or he doesn't like us....nah, couldn't happen. US?! Not like US...what's not to like?!!! Oh, right, we are the IN-LAWS! LOL!!!!

Jeez, I forgot...don't know how because I can hear the thumping of the music...the circus showed up this morning here at the fairgrounds. Started coming in around 7, spent all day setting up, doing two 4:30 and 7:30 and then they move on and will be gone tomorrow.....amazing. I did see three elephants exiting the tent at the end of the first show. Circus's have never been my thing so I didn't go over and watch the was hot today too, over 100.

I should be a roving reporter/observer of things going on and stockpile all this stuff. Because I'm not that, I don't think to do it. Hmmm, something to think about.

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