Saturday, September 13, 2008

Narasaki's 9-12-08

Yesterday we spent the day at the Narasaki's. Uncle Gene and Auntie Bonnie are there visiting and we decided to hang around an extra day or so to visit.

Hank and Michael were working, but Brandon was home. When we got there we just missed Gene & Bonnie as they were heading out for Costco. I made the mistake of saying how I had forgotten to make brownies before coming over and Brandon perked right up and offered to take me to the off we went! I made a big boo-boo when I doubled the batch...twice doubled the fluids, I won't bother explaining how that happened, and we just decided to let it bake to see what happened. So off to the store again for more brownie mix and we returned videos and went to Kinder's for wonderful roast beef sandwiches.

In the first picture Brandon is showing Larry the merits of a Mac versus PC.

Our experiment was ready to come out of the oven when we got back. It was very edible, was more like cake, than brownies, but I still made brownies...when you are wanting a brownie, you want a REAL brownie...not a cake brownie! Auntie Bonnie made spaghetti for dinner, which was wonderful, with crusty french bread, salad and wine.

The motley crew enjoying dessert and Hank relaxing after work!

We only saw Michael for a short time, but lucky for him we have no where we need to be so he'll get to see us today...he only works until noon today! So after I post this we will be off for another day of eating and visiting!

This last pic is of Uncle Gene's new hair style!!! Very nice!!!

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...