Sunday, September 07, 2008

Onion Field story in Ohio paper 9-7-08

I didn't know how the stories would come up on the page so here is some help:

Then click on tab that says Onion Field or the title of the story or "Murdered Cops Memory Alive in Bellville". Then there is a sidebar story that is titled "Daughter of slain cop never overcame fear" at the side or bottom depending on which view and you click on that for my little story. There will be more in Monday's paper from us too.

The writer that put together the story is Lori's friends editor. Jennifer, Lori's friend writes a column for the Mansfield News Journal and Larry Phillips is her editor and when it came up that Lori was her friend, Mr. Phillips asked if Lori would speak with him. Lori had never spoken to the press and she decided she would. Then he asked me a lot of questions, Lori shared with him that I had written a story and he read it and wanted it run with the story and here you have the final product. Mr. Phillips was a joy to work with and he gave us final say on the entire project, which in my experience doesn't usually happen.

1 comment:

Mits said...

I hope you would have enjoyed your journey. I like all pictures.




Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...